Gareth Evans - Sales Office Manager - HPP

Gareth Evans - Sales Office Manager

Gareth Evans - Sales Office Manager

Role at HPP: Sales Office Manager

Year joined HPP: More than one!

In the industry since: 1992

What does your role involve?
My role is to ensure that orders are processed quickly and accurately, as well as handling any customer requests as promptly as possible. We have over 2,500 live customers and our sales team always aim to ensure that all of our customers are looked after to the highest possible standards..

Best thing about working for HPP?
The people! Over the years I have seen a lot of changes within the company, but the team that we have here and now, is as strong as I have ever known it.

Biggest market challenges you foresee:
To stay at the forefront of innovation. We offer probably the widest range of products in our market sector and are well-known for our efficiency, convenience, and diverse range of products. It's therefore essential that we maintain this position and continue to develop it.

What did you do before coming to HPP?
I started at HPP when I was 18, and before that I was on a YTS scheme at Slumberland Beds working in their Accounts Dept

Any hidden talents?
Does holding onto my money count? I've got a reputation in the Sales Office for being tight!

Favourite hobby?
Spending time with my family; there are lots of us, so after running my kids everywhere they need to go, there isn't really too much time left for hobbies!

Favourite Film?
I'm really not a film buff; the last time I went to the cinema out of choice was to see Bigfoot and the Hendersons in 1987 but that's not something I should probably admit to!

Dream holiday destination?
I'm not too concerned where it is as long as it's just the wife and me!

Biggest lesson in life?
I'm a big believer in trying to treat people the way that you would like to be treated yourself.

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