New Egger Feelwood Halifax Oak décors - HPP

New Egger Feelwood Halifax Oak décors

New Egger Feelwood Halifax Oak décors

Egger's Feelwood collection is a stunning range of innovative woodgrain décors that re-create the natural look and feel of real timber. Egger have recently announced three new additions to the ST37 Halifax Oak series: H1336 Sand Grey Glazed, H3176 Pewter and H3178 Black Glazed. Each of these décors boast the familiar authentic knots and cracks that bring this range to life. Realistic to the touch, easy to process and cost effective, the Feelwood collection gives the freedom to create new concepts in furniture design. The entire collection is home to 29 décors and six textures, so as well as MFC sheets these décors are available as XL laminate and ABS edging, so the possibilities for their inclusion in interior design projects are nearly limitless.

H1336 ST37 Sand Grey Glazed Halifax Oak

The muted tones of Sand Grey Glazed Halifax Oak offer a scandi look and feel; cracks and pores are delicately brought to life with a lighter colour contrast than previously seen in the Halifax oak series. It's possible to create a warm, natural theme by combining Sand Grey Glazed Halifax Oak with rich grey and taupe tones such as U750 ST9 Taupe Grey and U775 ST9 White Grey. In order to harmonise its use in kitchens or office spaces, H1336 ST37 Sand Grey Glazed Halifax Oak is also available in a 38mm square edged format, giving the option for it to be used as a realistic alternative to solid wood or veneer.

H13176 ST37 Pewter Halifax Oak

If you're after a décor with impact, look no further that than H13176 ST37 Pewter Halifax Oak, with its cracks and knots creating a striking look against the dark colour tones of the woodgrain. Synchronised technology brings the woodgrain reproductions to life by pressing the texture of the décor design onto the surface. With an authentic texture of real wood, H3176 ST37 Pewter Halifax Oak also features in the Egger Worktop Collection as a 38mm square edge option.

H13178 ST37 Black Glazed Halifax Oak

Black Glazed Halifax Oak offers a solution for those following the trend for statement black surfaces. The white cracks and pores contrast well with the black to provide a realistic burnt wood effect. It's at home in any suitable installation but really comes into its own when used alongside darker uni-colours and neutral toned materials such as F433 ST10 Anthracite Linen to create a traditional feel. As with the other décors in the Halifax Oak series, the extra-large repeat pattern of the décors lends itself well to creating realistic large surfaces.

Discover the full Feelwood range here.

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New Egger Feelwood Halifax Oak décors
New Egger Feelwood Halifax Oak décors
New Egger Feelwood Halifax Oak décors
New Egger Feelwood Halifax Oak décors
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